California Lament

Written and Submitted by: Mary Anne

Gavin, oh, Gavin, please clean up the pee,

The needles and feces you’ve foisted on me

With the losers and druggies you say can stay

In my streets, parks and beaches where children once played.


Gavin, oh, Gavin, please clean up the crime,

You released with the prisoners at Covid time

When you shut down my cities and chose to mask me

While you dined with your buddies at the French Laundry.


 Gavin, oh, Gavin, please stop the posturing

No one believes the lies you are fostering.

I see my folks leaving with nothing to say,

Except, “Gavin, oh, Gavin, please go away.”


The above ditty can be sung to the tune of “The Amazing Young Man on the Flying Trapeze”

Photo Cred:  Miguel Gutierrez Jr., CalMatters