Family Calls For Immediate Recall Of LA District Attorney Gascón After His Policies Lead To More Death

Written by T. Logan Dayne

With a recall effort against him that is receiving more support by the day, Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascón defends his policies by saying “We have an imperfect system.” With the recent recall of Boudin, the radically left prosecutor in San Francisco whose policies loosened penalties of crimes so much that stores were looted into closure, the recall of Gascón became more real. Under Gascón modern day train robberies became a common occurrence in Los Angeles. Criminals that were caught were even reported as mocking officers that they would be back out the next day. The most recent shooting, the shooter was let out explicitly under Gascón’s policies, later leading to the death of two police officers.


George Gascón defended his policies after their deaths by saying “We have an imperfect system…I know this is frustrating to hear, and it may not help heal the wounds for some. We do not serve our community when we try to pretend that we can predict 100% of the time these cases are going to … occur.” The shooter, who will not be named, fatally shot Michael Paredes and Joseph Santana. He had a strike conviction and had received two years probation for a felony firearm possession. Eric Siddall, Vice president of the Los Angeles Deputy District Attorneys Association released as statement saying, 

“Under California law, [The shooter], should have been in a state prison cell on the day he murdered the two officers. Instead because of George Gascón’s policies, he was in a hotel room in El Monte beating his girlfriend until two officers responded to the call for help. Now two officers are dead…He ordered that all cases eligible for probation should be given probation. Those were his orders. On February 10, 2021, [The shooter]– a gang member charged with felony possession of a firearm, possession of methamphetamine, and illegal possession of ammunition – was the beneficiary of this policy. Under California state law, [The shooter] was ineligible for probation and faced a minimum sentence of 32 months in state prison. Instead, because of Gascón’s policies, he received probation.


Olga Garcia, mother of officer Santana, stated that Gascón should be recalled immediately as has “destroyed so many lives.” “He’s destroyed so many lives, and he’s completely destroyed ours. We’re just completely devastated,” she stated. Adding, “He’s left children without fathers, mothers destroyed. Wives destroyed. They’re never coming back, and I blame it all on Gascón.”

Photo Cred: Robyn Beck / AFP