Two El Monte Police Officers Shot Hailed as Heroes,

Written by Lev Finzi

Two cops died in the line of duty in El Monte, California yesterday. They were responding to a report of a stabbing in the area when they were gunned down. The killing took place at around 5:10 PM at a motel that was located on the corner of 10300 Grant Avenue. After the ambulance came to pick them up, they lost their lives due to the injuries sustained.

The El Monte Police Department had not released the names of the officers shot, but the only thing that is known is that one was a veteran of the Police Force for 22 years, while the other was with the Force for less than a year’s time.

The city has had emotions of “shock and sadness” after the terrible news of this event was released. “There are no words to describe our grief and devastation by this senseless act as we learned about the passing of two of our police officers. It weighs heavy on our hearts and we are sending our support to their families. We would also like to thank the El Monte community and our surrounding government agencies for the outpouring support we have received in the last few hours,” This was the statement released from both the City of El Monte and the El Monte Police Department.

The shooting is currently being investigated by the Sheriff’s department, and it took place on the 10 freeway. The shooter was unidentified and died from the shootout.

Photo Cred: NBC Los Angeles