Unpopular Dem Campbell Faces Off Against Rising GOP candidate Dr Linda Lukacs

Written by Alex Hays

The battle for District 2 of the San Diego City Council, which encompasses Point Loma and Ocean Beach, is set for November. Incumbent Councilwoman Jen Campbell is going against the GOP District 2 candidate Dr Linda Lukacs.  Campbell is considered to be an unpopular incumbent and hasn’t spoken about the homelessness issue which has become a major issue in District 2. 

We should not have a politician who refuses to speak on the California’s homelessness, especially when it is in the area you represent. However, there is a solution to the problem. Dr Linda Lukacs has solutions she will put into effect if she’s elected into the council. She wants to address the homelessness in a compassionate way so streets, public parks, and canyons are not used as homes for the homeless. Another plan she wants to enact is speaking to city partners about making special sites to help homeless people with basic health help and help with hygiene. She wants to identify the root causes of the big homelessness in the district, making long term programs to help life skills and help growth. She doesn’t want to simply do a short term solution that is called giving hotel vouchers to the homeless population, which does cost us millions and isn’t helpful in the long term. She wants to support programs that look deeper into the core reasons behind homelessness.

Addressing another core issue that most can agree is with the price of home ownership and costs of homes in California. She wants to put more support into programs that must be coordinated by state, federal, and city levels. The programs are to help future homeowners that give incentives to keep the housing prices stable. She wants to make great and affordable home ownership for families, and future generations of home ownership. 

We need to help reassure people that San Diego is the “America’s finest city” says Dr. Lukacs . We should be supporting the people who want to help the people, not big government.

Photo Cred: Dr. Linda Lukacs for City Council