Students Claim Ban On Trespassing Rooted in “White Supremacy”

Written by T. Logan Dayne

Public California state campuses have laws against trespassing. It is part of an effort to keep schools safe for students and can result in a misdemeanor for those in unlawful conduct. New legislation is being proposed to offer the same protection for private campuses. Private schools and universities do not have the same protections and instead are forced to give out warnings, an effort that has not made any significant difference.

In recent years trespassers have entered these campuses to make racist remarks to Asian students and harass female students. The lack of any ability to enforce this has left students feeling unsafe resulting in this new legislation. However, there is one hang-up. There is now push back against this bill claiming that it is rooted in ‘colonialism’ and ‘white supremacy.

Tess Gibbs, a senior at Scripps College, argues that this new legislation offers “more negatives than positives.” This is despite the same luxury being afforded to public schools. Gibbs questions how the enforcement of being able to remove trespassers harassing and making racist remarks to students “would actually significantly increase safety of students, which seems to be its intention.” The bill is designed to give officers the ability to use their best judgment and remove individuals that are purposely performing harassing acts and have no credible purpose in being there. John Ojeiskhoba stated that “It will give an officer a significant level of deterrence. That will be the difference. Right now, there’s just no such thing.” Students are claiming that instead it is a reason why police don’t work. Graduate student Alessia Milstein is reported as saying “You’re just trying to solve every conflict with a catchall that is rooted in colonialism and white supremacy.” An irrationally based fear has emerged saying it will lead to racial profiling by extending the same privileges public schools already receive to private schools. 

Photo Cred: Scripps College