Mark Meuser Campaigns To Represent California In Senate

Written by T. Logan Dayne

California primaries are around the corner (June 7th) and Mark Meuser is galvanizing support to better help Californians. Running for the U.S. Senate in California, Meuser hopes to fight for Californians in what has been a tough year for the average constituent. Everything from soaring gas prices, record inflation, and now food shortages have hurt Californians increasingly so in what is already one of the most expensive states in the nation to live in. Meuser has traveled to 57 or the 58 counties in the blue stronghold to speak to people about their plights under the negligence of the current administration and what he plans to do to combat it. 

Another cost to also hit California is the dramatic uptick in crime. Many stores have closed their doors as the cost of theft has grown too much. Even late last year, massive train robberies caused many packages to not be delivered on time or at all as robbers opened metal containers from trains traveling through L.A. with bolt cutters, taking what they please and discarding the rest. Criminals would even mock police if they were even caught as they would be back on the street under the extremely lax crime laws. Anything less than $950 in stolen goods is a misdemeanor and thieves would be out quickly. Meuser empathizes with many Californians, especially with such issues as he himself was the victim of car theft, something that those in San Francisco, once a crowning gem of the United States, has now been left rampant with crime and drugs. 

Mark Meuser aims to be part of the “Red Wave” that many experts have predicted coming due to current situations. Mark is set to appear on the ballot twice, once for a partial term (Nov 9th through January 3) and another for the full term. He encourages Californians not to split their vote as he can be marked for both the short-term and full-term positions.  

Photo Cred: Mark Meuser for Senate