SDUSD Passes Resolution On Abortion Raising Concerns From Parents Over Political Statements

Written by Sasha Reva

San Diego Unified School District voted unanimously to pass a resolution towards the support of “abortion rights”. Their statement from Twitter says, “The resolution declares that prohibitions on the right to freely exercise reproductive freedoms are harmful to public health and safety, and are contrary to the values of the people of San Diego and the State of California.”

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria and other elected Democrats supported the SDUSD resolution about abortion rights. Board Vice President Bazzo gave a comment to San Diego Union-Tribune that “everyone should have access to safe, legal and accessible abortion. Prohibitions on the right to freely exercise reproductive freedoms are harmful to public health and safety.”

It all started after the draft opinion by the Supreme Court was leaked, where it was stated that the court will overturn Roe v. Wade. Overturning Roe v. Wade will  give an option for each of the 50 states to decide on enforcing laws regarding abortion. 

California as always will not enforce any laws towards the “abortion” and Newsom assures that all the abortion rights will be kept.

 Lots of concerned parents told KUSI that the local school district should not be making a political statement on Supreme Court rulings. They do believe that it is not the concern of the school board and they should be caring about the education.

Photo Cred: SDSUD