Democrats Will Be Tested This November With Crime as Biggest Topic Among Voters Heading into Primary

Mail ballots were sent out to all Californians on Monday, with the primary election just a month away on June 7th. There will be a lot to look forward to this election cycle, with a gubernatorial and senate election on the ballot, along with local races such as school boards, California will be tested with the upcoming primary election. 

While some have written California off as having any sort of red wave, Republicans think otherwise and data shows that Democrats and their policies are becoming more and more unpopular. Joe Biden has become one of the most unpopular presidents, even among some in his own party and the party in power usually loses heavily in the midterms. In 2020, Republicans flipped four congressional seats in California and will be looking to gain more ground after redistricting caused the state to lose a seat. Those four: Mike Garcia, David Valadao, Michelle Steel, and Young Kim are all looking to get re-elected as well as flipping the seats held by incumbent Democrats Katie Porter and Mike Levin. 

In statewide offices, Republicans have a great chance to win one, with the last one having come in 2006. Crime is a big issue heading into 2022, and two of the biggest races are the recalls against San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin and Los Angeles DA George Gascon. Newly appointed California Attorney General is facing challengers and is considered vulnerable due to his support for Prop 47 and other far-left criminal justice policies. Another race to watch is State Controller, Republican-endorsed candidate Lanhee Chen has even won over the endorsements of liberal outlets such as the Los Angeles Times. The Governor’s race will also be one to watch. While Newsom was able to survive the recall election in 2021, his approval rating is split almost 50-50. The Republican Party endorsed State Senator Brian Dahle, a longtime legislator and farmer from Northeastern California. 

GOP consult Matt Rexroad put it well, “If there was going to be a time for a Republican to take a legitimate shot at a statewide candidacy, this is the year to do it”. Republicans have a great chance at flipping seats and holding seats across all levels of government in California. 

Photo Cred: Mike Chapman/ Record Searchlight