San Diego County GOP Endorses Corey Gustafson for Congress in CA-50

May 4, 2022

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Escondido, CA – Small businessman and educator Corey Gustafson today announced the endorsement of the Republican Party of San Diego County. A native San Diegan and SDSU graduate, Gustafson is challenging incumbent Rep. Scott Peters in California’s 50th Congressional District.

“It is an honor to have one of the nation’s largest and most active local Republican organizations behind me. The Republican Party of San Diego knows that I am the candidate who will stand up to liberal career politicians like Scott Peters,” said Gustafson. “Now is the time to fight back against the failed agenda that has unleashed record inflation and crime at home, and crisis abroad. It is incredible to have such strong local support in this mission.”

“San Diego needs new representation. After ten years of Scott Peters, we are experiencing record inflation, rising crime, and skyrocketing cost-of-living; we can’t take much more of Scott Peters,” said Paula Whitsell, Chairwoman of the San Diego GOP. She continued, “The San Diego County Republican Party is proud to endorse Corey Gustafson because he brings the kind of common-sense principles we need to turn Washington around and represent San Diego in Congress.”

A graduate of San Pasqual High School in Escondido, Corey earned multiple advanced degrees on his way to becoming a university lecturer. The son of small business owners, Corey opened his own local business with his partners in 2019.