DeMaio Hosts Town Hall in Escondido to Oppose SANDAG Raid on Road Funds & New Congestion Tax

Town Halls serve to inform and engage San Diego voters to take action against politicians who want to raid Road Repair funds and add a “Congestion Tax”

The controversy surrounding SANDAG’s proposal to raid road funds and impose a Congestion Tax continues to grow. On Monday, July 29, Reform California Chairman Carl DeMaio will lead a Town Hall in Escondido – part of a larger series of campaign events throughout San Diego County encouraging voters to become aware of the raids against the Road Repair funds, the proposal for a Congestion Tax, and to urge voters to contact the politicians who are supporting the proposed road fund raised and Congestion Tax to oppose it.

“When politicians in San Diego attempt to raid road repair funds for mass transit systems and propose adding yet another tax on San Diegans, we’re stepping up to ensure they feel the wrath of voters,” said Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California.

In addition to the town halls, Reform California’s ads across San Diego encourage voters who can’t make it to the town halls to nevertheless take action.

“We’re doing whatever it takes to make sure that every San Diegan knows the antics that the downtown San Diego politicians are up to — and to make sure they’re held accountable for making residents’ daily lives worse by not fixing the roads and charging drivers to be stuck on them,” DeMaio continued.

Recently, San Diego County’s regional transportation planning agency, SANDAG, released a plan to cut 14 freeway and highway improvements and shift all of that money into “transit” for downtown San Diego and to fund the conversion of road lanes to dedicated bike lanes.

SANDAG and its subsidiary MTS also propose higher taxes: both a massive Sales Tax hike and a “Congestion Tax” for anyone wanting to use the roads – with all that money going to transit, not roads.

Despite a recent poll that even shows voters in the heavily urban areas of the City of San Diego overwhelmingly oppose these proposals – by a whopping two-to-one margin! – SANDAG and politicians continue to push Road Repair Raids and the Congestion Tax forward.

Monday’s event: 6:30pm

Park Avenue Community Center, 210 Park Avenue, Escondido, CA 92025.

A full list of upcoming events is available at