McCann’s Opponent Calls Him a POS & Disrespects McCann’s Military Service Again

Written by Brock Johnson

Chula Vista City Councilmember John McCann a decorated Navy and Iraq war veteran walking into a Chula Vista Veterans of Foreign Wars Mayor Forum was attacked by radical extremist Rudy ’Rodolfo’ Ramirez calling McCann a “Piece of S#$%.” Ramirez then questioned why McCann was attending the forum saying “I thought the only ones invited were me and Ammara.” He was told that all candidates for Mayor were invited and that John McCann was a longtime Life Member of the VFW Post 2111 in Chula Vista.

Leftist politician Ramirez has been steeped in controversies for decades disrespecting military servicemembers and their families, using profanity against community members disagreeing with him, being sued by a female employee and killing a defenseless pedestrian by hitting them while driving his truck.

This was not the first time Ramirez made unamerican attacks against McCann’s military service. In the early 2000’s City Councilmember John McCann, a Navy reservist was mobilized to fight in the War in Iraq. McCann personally talked with all his fellow Councilmembers to professionally inform them of his mobilization, except Ramirez who refused to talk with him after several attempts by McCann. McCann then announced his military mobilization at a city council meeting informing the public that he was called to service in the War on Terrorism.

At following city council meeting when McCann had left to fight in the War in Iraq, Ramirez viciously attacked McCann for serving his country in the military. Saying that he didn’t know where McCann was and that McCann could be on vacation in Hawaii. Ramirez’s outrageous attacks were just the start, as one of his minions tried to break into the City of Chula Vista Human Resources Department, to go through McCann’s personal files and steal McCann’s military orders. A violation of McCann’s personal privacy and USERRA, the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act.