SANDAG Leaders Exposed Paying For Lavish Dinners with Taxpayer Money

Written by Brock Johnson

Recently, an audit of SANDAG revealed many flagged credit card purchases as “unallowable”. These purchases showed that it was a common act for SANDAG leaders to use taxpayer dollars to enjoy luxury meals at some of the nicest restaurants and steakhouses in the county. 

iNewSource’s Jennifer Bowman published an article titled, “Taxpayer footed the bill for SANDAG staff to enjoy filet mignon, other upscale dining,” which criticized the SANDAG leadership for using “their employee credit cards hundreds of times to pay for meals, often at upscale dining spots and with bills topping out at more than $100 per visit.”

This information comes out as SANDAG has approved a $160 billion dollar transportation plan which includes a pending mileage tax. 

The director of SANDAG, Hasan Ikhrata, makes nearly $600,000 of taxpayer money annually with 10 weeks of paid vacation and has been confirmed as one of the SANDAG employees who commonly used tax-payer dollars for lavish dining. A few of the restaurants that the SANDAG had dinner at were Rei Do Gado, Donovan’s Steakhouse, and the U.S Grant Hotel restaurant which are some of the most expensive and lavish restaurants in San Diego. 

iNewSource reports that Ikhrata charged his employee card for $17,000 worth of meals over the past couple of years. 

County Supervisor Jim Desmond said in a tweet to remember this when they come asking for your money in November and that taxpayers will not continue to be SANDAG’s ATM. 

Photo Cred: Vito Di Stefano