El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells Calls Out Liberal Politicians Over Gas Prices

Written by Brock Johnson

El Cajon Mayor Bill Wells joined KUSI News on Monday to talk about the rising gas prices seen across San Diego and the rest of the country. When asked what is causing the historic gas prices, Wells responded by saying that the cause for this is leftist politics which he adds includes the Biden Administration and most of the state of California. 

Wells states that the liberal politicians are so against fossil fuels that they have “an almost religious fervor about stopping people from being in their cars”. In regards to local politics, Wells says that SANDAG’s transportation plan is an effort to do the same thing by making it harder to register your car and find parking in an effort to make more people use public transportation or ride bikes. 

The Mayor also criticized California politicians for not tapping into the plentiful natural gas reserves within the state which do not add to the carbon footprint and relying on solar and wind power which is often not fully sufficient. 

Wells was asked why there is so much pressure on the United States to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while countries like China and Russia do not and he responded by saying that it sounds like a conspiracy but he believes that leftists and globalists believe that the United States has too much power and it needs to be spread to communist nations like China. 

Mayor Wells understands that people are hurting from the high gas prices and he is trying to expose the reasoning for why energy prices are as high as they are in San Diego. He also said that the government should stop blaming the people and should instead find solutions that benefit us. 

Photo Cred: KUSI