Democrats Pause Bill Enforcing COVID Vaccine Requirements for all Employees

Written by William Hale

In light of recent international developments, the coronavirus pandemic has finally been overtaken as the most prominent story after two years. Cases are down, mask mandates have been largely removed, and individuals who have decided to get vaccinated have almost certainly done so by now. Despite California communities moving past COVID, Democrat lawmakers want to require all working people in the state receive the COVID vaccine. 

AB 1993 was crafted by Buffy Wicks, Cecilia Aguiar-Curry, Evan Low, and San Diego’s Dr. Akilah Weber. Lawmakers were prepared to vote on the bill Wednesday, March 30th, but on the 29th Wicks produced a series of tweets announcing that AB 1993 would be paused indefinitely.

The bill states the following: “This bill would require an employer to require each person who is an employee or independent contractor, and who is eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, to show proof to the employer, or an authorized agent thereof, that the person has been vaccinated against COVID-19…” 

It is inexplicable how AB 1993 — a significant bill that would have consequences for millions of Californians — flew under the radar for so long. After KUSI News reached out to San Diego’s Akilah Weber the co-author did not respond directly, however, Weber’s office suggested that she was attempting to remove her name from the bill. Democrats decided to pause AB 1993 from being brought to a vote shortly after. 

Melissa Grace perfectly summed up the Democrats lack of awareness in an interview with KUSI, “..during a time where there are gas prices over six dollars a gallon… the cost of living is astronomical, the people that are in positions of power should be doing every single thing that they can to ensure that people have jobs, not making it harder to obtain and keep jobs,” said Grace, the founder of S.D. Rise Up.

Photo Cred: Hayne Palmour IV/The San Diego Union-Tribune via AP