RNC To Mobilize Voters At Gas Stations Amid High Gas Prices

Written by William Hekman

Ever since Joe Biden took office, gas prices have increased to levels some thought were unattainable. Prices in San Diego County are nearing an average of $6.00 per gallon, with some counties like Los Angeles, Ventura, Inyo, and Mono County surpassing $6.00 per gallon. While Biden has blamed Vladimir Putin for the rise, Republicans have said that the end of American energy independence is to blame. With Biden putting the blame on everyone else, Republicans are using the opportunity to make big gains ahead of the 2022 elections. 

The RNC is moving into gas stations all around the country to mobilize voters ahead of 2022. With so many Americans suffering at the pump, the RNC is hopeful that many Americans will vote for those who want to reverse much of what Biden has done regarding energy and the economy. According to a poll, 68% of Americans believe that Biden is responsible for the rise in gas prices and 74% want to increase domestic energy production. One of the hallmarks of the Trump administration was achieving energy independence and increasing domestic production. In December 2020, the national average for gas per gallon sat just over $2.15. Now, it is well over four dollars, a massive increase in just 16 months. 

The RNC is mobilizing at gas stations in states such as Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Texas. They are also looking into other states such as Connecticut, Maine, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. 

Gas prices and energy will be a major focus point in the upcoming elections and Republicans are hoping to capture the anger Americans are having everytime they see gas prices go up, “Americans are tired of the pain at the pump, and come November, Americans will rightly hold Democrats responsible at the ballot box.” said RNC Rapid Response Director Tommy Pigott.

Photo Cred: Chris Delmas/AFP Via Getty Images