SD Climate Activists Push For Homeowners To Start Paying For Trash Pickup

Written by T. Logan Dayne

A change in the San Diego city ordinance is being proposed which will cause some homeowners to begin paying fees for their normal trash pickup. This in part is being defined by the San Diego Climate Action Plan and as a part of the equity movement. Currently single family homes do not have to pay for trash collection services. This is seen by some as not fair to those who live in apartments or condominiums which have a private company for trash collection services.

The measure is being presented by City Council President Sean Elo-Rivera and Council member Joe LaCava. The measure is meant to ensure “equal refuse collection” for all residents, close free trash collection loopholes for short term vacation rentals and dorms, provide cost recovery for the city for a “robust and equitable public service”, and safeguard against privatizing city provided trash collection. 

The measure would amend the 101 year city code established in 1919 and is said to be part of the first step in amending fees so the city can provide a level of service that the community wants. It is also a step in the San Diego agenda defined by the Climate Action Plan, Climate Resilient SD, Zero Waste Plan, and several others. LaCava states that the old legislation was holding the city back from achieving its goals and that this will “continue the momentum to protect our future.”