Virtue Signaling Gone Awry; SF Accidentally Boycotts 56% of the United States

Written by T. Logan Dayne

In 2016, San Francisco, a city that greatly depends on imports to sustain itself, believed it would be a great idea to ban business contracts and official travel to states who they disagree with ideologically. This began with states where San Francisco believed supported apparently “anti-LGBT” laws.

This did not stop there as the law was expanded by more progressives to show how virtuous they were. It grew to encompass states that supported pro-life laws, and even voter security measures, both of which San Francisco stands strongly against. Due to the overzealous nature of their pandering, however, this has now grown out of control where states such as Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, and Wisconsin are now on San Francisco’s naughty list. The result of banning state contracts, business, and official travel to such states is exactly what anyone with a little forethought and common sense would imagine, higher prices and cost of living. This is especially true in a state such as California where business is highly regulated and stifled by an endless slog of licenses and bureaucratic jams.

The legislation originally was pushed by now California Senator Scott Weiner who also pushed SB 145 which lowered penalties for adults who have sexual relations with minors and more recently a bill that would cut out parents consent for children’s medical procedures for kids as young as 12. However, his original measure has hurt the city of San Francisco so much in such a short time period that even he is back-peddling on his boycott of the other states. In a statement, he said that he had “mixed views on the approach”. Weiner denounced Florida’s new bill meant to protect children, hailed by many as an “anti-groomer” bill, but continued saying that “We are sweeping in an entire state, and sweeping in businesses owned by people who are trying to help. So, it’s complicated and I have become very conflicted and I argue with myself.”

But it’s not just Scott Wiener living with the consequences of his own actions, it’s an entire city. San Francisco, and now the state of California, suffers because of the lack of forethought and common sense from many of its lawmakers, foremost among them is Scott Wiener.

Photo Cred: Getty Images