San Dieguito School Board Vote On Mask Choice Does Not Pass

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

Yesterday the San Dieguito School Board voted on whether or not to lift specific mask requirements. This vote follows Governor Newsom’s announcement that on March 12, school districts would get to decide under what provision students must wear masks (if any at all). Sadly, the vote failed 2-2 with one absent member. Mike Allman, one board member who voted in favor of the resolution, explained the motion on KUSI.

“The resolution said that the board of our school district gets to determine how we enforce the mask mandate, and what it said is that rather than remove children from the classroom; we would educate them on how to wear a mask properly, that it is the law, and this is what they should do. But importantly, if they chose not to do that, we wouldn’t kick them out of the classroom. We’d continue with the lesson, and the teacher would move on. I think that’s a reasonable way with just 11 days left to allow students to have the opportunity to learn without wearing a mask. Unfortunately, as you said, the vote was 2-2. It takes three votes to pass it, so we’re where we left off.”

Allman clarified that the board didn’t have the power to overturn Newsom’s mandate, merely amend it before March 12. When pressed on the rationale for the board members who voted no, Allman stated, “Well, you’ll have to ask them, but certainly some of the things we heard in public comment were red herrings. Things like “If the board were to decide to change its masking enforcement policy, they could be personally liable and have their own personal assets involved.” That’s not true, but some people said it anyway.”

What does this decision mean for the students? “Unfortunately, if it (the mask) slips below their nose or if they decide they don’t want to wear a mask and remain in class, they’ll be told to leave the classroom. I think that’s not putting students’ interests first.”

Let’s not forget that Fauci and the other “experts” sold us the idea of “two weeks to flatten the curve” that then turned into two years of children muzzled in masks without the ability to observe facial expressions, a factor that could hinder their development down the road. Meanwhile, kids also had to stay locked in their homes and away from their friends, creating anxiety among America’s youth. So, in reality, it was the experts who dealt us more damage than COVID-19 ever could have.

Photo Cred: Karen Billing/ Del Mar Times