Assemblywoman Laurie Davies Introduces “Parent Bill of Rights” in Response to COVID mandates

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

It seems as if this is no longer a fight between the Left and Right, but rather a war between freedom and slavery. While Republicans maintain their title as the party of liberty, Democrats have fallen from grace to become the party of tyranny. Don’t believe me? Two California legislators recently introduced bills regarding education, with one advocating for more parental rights as the other calls for more oversight into students’ private lives. See if you can tell who loves liberty more, the Republican or the Democrat.

California Assemblywoman Laurie Davies (R-Laguna Niguel) introduced AB 1785, otherwise known as the “Parental Bill of Rights.” Davies explained that “It is the right of every parent to make decisions they deem best to protect the health and welfare of their children, not Sacramento politicians,” and how parents have “the right to make health care decisions” for their kids.

Additionally, the bill requires schools and districts to post information on curriculum requirements, immunization standards, various programs/clubs offered, and how parents can opt-out of sex education. Davies also has the Orange County Board of Education endorsement that promotes school choice and charter schools.

Now let’s turn our attention to Akilah Weber (D-San Diego), who proposed AB 1797. This bill requires schools to submit students’ COVID vaccine information to the California Immunization Registry, as well as their race and ethnicity. Because making lists of peoples’ racial characteristics has never backfired before. Richard Pan’s plan that bans families from claiming religious exemptions to the vaccine adds more fuel to the fire.

Davies, the Republican, cares much more about our civil liberties than Democrat Weber, if you couldn’t tell. So even if you don’t like Republicans or our more conservative-leaning principles, ask yourself this: Do you want what’s best for your kids? Because in the end, Republicans trust the people, while Democrats fear the people.

Photo Cred: Orange County Register