School Board Members From Around the County Call On Newsom to End Masking and Other Mandates in Schools

Written by William Hekman

Just outside the Cajon Valley School District building in El Cajon, school board members from around the county gathered to let Governor Newsom know it is time to end the mandates. The indoor mask mandate is set to expire in California tomorrow.  

The group, “School Board Members for Local Control” held a press conference to lay out what they believe is the best plan forward for students and parents alike. Organizer Andrew Hayes, who serves on the Lakeside Union School District Board, said, “Over the past two years we have faced mandate after mandate from Sacramento, with zero to no support from Sacramento bureaucrats. So what we’re here today is for no more. No more one size fits all policies. Let school districts have local control”. Hayes laid out three major policies that the governor should be doing. Those policies include local control over mask policies, an end to the State of Emergency in California, and oppose and veto and legislation that removes personal belief exemptions for vaccinations. 

Hayes also said in a press release, “School Board Members have a responsibility to advocate for our districts and communities. Local control allows us to do just that by making decisions based on local conditions. Every district and community are different. One size fits all policy from Sacramento places unnecessary burdens on families, teachers, staff, and district administrators.” Hayes was joined by eight other school board members who are also opposed to the policies from Sacramento. So far 19 school board members have signed on with the group. 

Kids may have to wait a little longer for the mask mandate to end. Dr. Mark Ghaly, the California Health and Human Services Secretary, recently announced that the mask mandate in schools will remain and be re-evaluated on February 28th.  Ghaly said he was confident that the mandate would be lifted on the 28th. 

Photo Cred: William Hekman