Ghost Gun Fear Mongering In San Diego With Ordinance to Begin Soon

Written by T. Logan Dayne

“It’s hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decision in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.” The wisdom of Thomas Sowell is lost on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors as they voted 3-2 to approve the ordinance around firearm storage and ghost guns, two separate issues rolled into one and forced upon the citizens of San Diego.

Ghost guns have been a hot topic as they have been fear mongered and demonized by even the highest levels of administration in this nation. Terms like “ghost gun”, “military grade, and “high capacity” are designed to elicit fear without giving definitive knowledge of what these terms actually mean. The misinformation spread by journalists and media pundits, who have little knowledge of the subject, are then used by local leaders to pass policy as is being done in San Diego. 

The ordinance is set to take effect on February 25th. The ordinance is set to make it illegal to build firearms and make firearm parts, an action typically protected by the second amendment and has been legal since the founding of the nation. Ghost guns, considered any gun without a serial number, is a broad term used to attack those who build guns as hobbyists. Criminals caught with guns illegally obtained and then who have removed the serial number are counted as ghost guns as well. In this a hobbyist and criminal are lumped into one. The ordinance goes further though as it also gives instructions on how gun storage is to be regulated, something that cannot be enforced without the invasion of privacy. Gun safety is without doubt an extremely important matter, but all the San Diego county has done is make an unenforceable ordinance, a realization many other counties and states in the nation are coming to terms with in the wake of 3D printing.

The gun storage part of the ordinance, supported by already questionable data, is a trojan horse meant to more heavily regulate firearms by broadening out the terms of what is considered a firearm. Much of this is done under the guise of safety but this is far from true. California has consistently shown blatant disregard for the livelihood of its citizens and the ultimate goal of Gun Control is to strip citizens of their natural rights. Gun control in California means the disarming of its citizens while politicians surround themselves with armed guards.

Photo Cred: Haven Daley/Associated Press