La Mesa Police Officer Says He “Lost Everything” After Left Wing Groups Terrorized Family

A former La Mesa Police Officer says that “lost everything” after an incident in May 2020. Officer Matthew Dages used low level force against a Black man who had assaulted him. The incident occured days after the George Floyd death in Minneapolis which sparked countless protests around the country that got violent and caused billions in property damages. 

Dages had criminal charges filed against him but was cleared. However he was fired and has not returned to work since the incident. The incident was caught on body cam video and showed the assailant attempting to slap or punch Dages. Dages then placed the man under arrest. Dages spoke to Fox News’ Laura Ingrahm on her show. Dages said that La Mesa politicians used him as a “scapegoat” to the liberal mob which had been out in full force after the death of George Floyd. Dages said that he and his family were scared as BLM protestors marched outside his home, “It wasn’t a safe place for me to be in or for my family to be anymore”. Dages moved out before the mass protests happened in La Mesa. 

Dages also said that he and his family suffered financial losses during the ordeal, mostly coming from legal fees in fighting the charges that were brought against him, “my wife [and I] were set back about $100,000 in legal fees. So we’ve been put through the wringer in the name of justice.”  Dages hopes to get his job back despite what he went through, “I care about the community, I love the community of San Diego, I love La Mesa, it was our home, we planted our roots there for a reason. And I became a police officer to serve the community, to help other people, it’s what I love to do” Dages said in an interview with KUSI. Dages said that he was very grateful for the support he received from not just around the community he served but by others nationwide who heard what happened to him. 

Photo Cred: CBS 8 KFMB