Left-Wing Galvez Wants Landlords Criminally Prosecuted

Written by J. Perez
Far left extremist Councilwoman Jill Galvez recently showed her true positions:  anti-private property and anti-property ownership.  She stated at a recent Chula Vista Council Meeting that she wants criminal prosecution written into the Landlord and Tenant Ordinances.  This could have far-reaching consequences for anyone that owns property in Chula Vista.
In a strange debate, even the progressive Steve Padilla chastised Galvez that rental issues are civil issues and not criminal.  Not understanding the difference between civil and criminal laws, the confused Galvez continued to argue that civil actions by property owners, rental property owners, and mobile home park owners, should be prosecuted as criminal.
Galvez further demonstrated her extreme position by arguing even simple issues, like having a missing address number on a unit, should result in criminal prosecution.  Such an ordinance could have the bizarre result of a property owner being held criminally liable where a tenant has removed the unit numbers.  Does Chula Vista want someone so willing to use the criminal laws to press their issues?
Photo Cred: City of Chula Vista