Gov. Newsom, Mayor Garcetti, and Mayor Breed all Violate Mask Mandate at NFL Game

Written by William Hale

It appears that even the most prominent proponents of COVID restrictions are tired of masking. On Sunday’s NFl game located at SoFi stadium in Los Angeles, Gov. Gavin Newsome was photographed without a mask — defying his own statewide mask mandate.

In addition to the statewide mandate, LA County has its own mask mandate for outdoor “mega events” that host more than 5,000 people regardless of vaccination status. SoFi stadium’s policy is indeed enforced by local health orders, thus requiring masks to be worn at all times during the game unless an individual is eating or drinking. While SoFi stadium does have a roof it is not entirely closed, but is still enforcing local mandates and will be enforcing such mandate at the Super Bowl which it will host in two weeks. 

This isn’t the first time Gov. Newsom has been under fire for failing to comply with his own rules, but the California Governor wasn’t the only elected official to break local health orders at Sunday’s game; San Francisco Mayor London Breed and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti were also spotted maskless at the game. Not only that, they were photographed standing next to former Laker and NBA Hall of Famer Magic Johnson, who would be considered immuno-compromised as Johnson has AIDS.  

As we approach two years since the beginning of the COVID pandemic, the general population seems to be exhausted with mask mandates. If Newsom and Garcetti were to drop all masking requirements, then perhaps only a small minority of COVID hysterics wouldn’t be thrilled. 

California State Senator Melissa Melendez summarized the hypocrisy of California Democrats with a tweet following the game, “Toddlers are being forced to wear masks all day long in school. Maybe one day they’ll be governor or the mayor of LA and they won’t have the follow the rules they impose on others,” said Melendez.

However, as long as the controversial mask mandates and COVID restrictions remain in place, conservatives need to continue holding elected officials to the same standards that they enforce on the general public. 

Photo Cred: @MagicJohnson/Twitter