LA Homeless Encampment Cleared Ahead of Big Game

Written by T. Logan Dayne

The homelessness crisis in California has surged in the past couple years. In Los Angeles alone the homelessness rose by over 14% by some estimates. Much of this has to do with California’s lax approach to homelessness, a problem that has been cited by people fleeing the state. It may be good news to some that Los Angeles has now decided to start cleaning up some of the homeless encampments that’s hurt the city image along with it’s tourism but others are claiming it has a more selfish reason. 

On Tuesday LA county began to dismantle a homeless encampment by SoFi stadium. Perhaps coincidentally, the clean up is occurring very near to the NFC championship playoff game with the Rams v. The 49ers. When asked, one of the workers stated specifically that the clean up was taking place so visitors coming from LAX will not see the homelessness on their way to the upcoming Super Bowl game. A spokesman from Caltrans had a different story explaining that the clean up was taking place because of “safety concerns” as fires started by the homeless in the area are starting to become common. A statement from Caltrans stated, “Caltrans posted a notice at the site 72-hours in advance of the cleanup, on January 20, to allow those at the encampment time to gather their belongings and take advantage of services”. This begs the question from many Californians: Why now to start cleaning up? Why begin right by SoFi? Los Angeles has done little to help homelessness and rehouse individuals suffering from it in recent years.

In an attempt to help, Caltrans has brought out social workers offering vouchers to offer housing options. Despite this, one of the homeless women they were attempting to relocate exclaimed, “I’m coming right back here…They can’t get rid of me.” Time will tell if this is a strategic move just for LA to look good for incoming tourists or if the city has turned over a new leaf and will begin taking care of its citizens by addressing the homelessness crisis.

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