San Jose Passes Liability Insurance Law For Guns, First in the Nation To Do So

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

Yesterday, San Jose City Council passed new gun restriction laws that require gun owners to pay a $25 fee and other administrative costs as part of a new “Liability insurance” policy. That may not seem like much, but you have to consider the 50,000+ households that this policy hurts. This means that the government of San Jose stands to rake in over $1.3 million, probably to buy more of our rights from us.

Mayor Sam Liccardo, who introduced the bill following the Gilroy Garlic Festival shooting in 2019, stated the bill’s passage. “When we think about the horrible mass shootings, I don’t pretend to know that we could have stopped it or not. But if we could have delivered some mental health services, there may have been a chance.”

So if the shooting resulted from poor mental health, why didn’t his bill address that issue? Why did he focus more on punishing responsible gun owners rather than stealing more money from his constituents? The reason is that the Democrats don’t care about our well-being if it contradicts their woke ideology. That’s why Democrats at the federal level kept quiet as BLM burned down our streets throughout 2020 yet jumped at the chance to pin the blame of January 6 on all Republicans.

Thankfully, not everyone is taking this lying down. The Firearm Policy Coalition is fighting this unconstitutional law. They put out a statement saying, “Since San Jose’s recalcitrant City Council members don’t believe that the United States Constitution applies to them or their citizens, Firearms Policy Coalition and our members are now committed to fight the City’s outrageous and offensive policies in federal litigation and take every possible action to block their enforcement.”

Photo Cred: Marla Aufmuth/Getty Images