Gavin Newsom Goes PC, Apologizes for Using the Word “Gangs” When Describing Train Robberies

Written by William Hekman

The Los Angeles train robberies are just another bad mark on the crime policy of Governor Gavin Newsom. While touring the sites of many of the robberies and doing some clean-up, Newsom spoke to the media about the rise in crime in California and how he would deal with it. Newsom called out those committing the robberies saying, “ This is organized theft. These are organized gangs of people that are coming out.”

But Newsom apparently didn’t use the right language when describing the criminals who committed these robberies. He backtracked saying, “Forgive me for saying ‘gangs,’ that’s not a pejorative,” Newsom continued, “They’re organized groups of folks that move from site to site.”  Rather than call it what it is, Newsom decided that it is more important to use politically correct language, which should come to no surprise to anyone living in California. Over the recent crime wave that included smash-and-grabs and now train robberies, Newsom has attempted to walk back his support for far-left crime policies by trying to act tough on criminals. Newsom supported Prop 47 which changed some crimes from felonies to misdemeanors and has been blamed for giving rise to the current crime wave. Newsom said, “I’m asking myself, what the hell is going on? We look like a third-world country”. Many leaders have criticized Newsom for only now caring about the crime wave and for his previous support of far-left crime policies. In response to Newsom’s comments, Former Mayor Kevin Faulconer tweeted, “Why is he asking himself that? Look in the mirror Gavin!” Faulconer has been critical of Newsom over his crime policy. 

But not only was Newsom criticized for backtracking on using the word “gangs” he was also criticized for using the term “third-world country”. Reporter Doug Sovern tweeted, “Hello, 

@GavinNewsom: the term “Third world country” was replaced by “developing nation” like, 25 years ago.” Newsom should stop focusing on the language he is using and instead focus on pushing policies that will clean up the streets of cities that have been decimated by crime. 

Photo Cred: Associated Press