Applicants Needed for California’s Redistricting Commission

California’s Redistricting Commission recently received a significant influx of applicants. There are more than 7,100 people who have applied to the non-partisan panel that will have 14 members in total. The Commission is tasked with drawing new political boundaries based on the 2020 census.

Republicans account for only 29 percent of the applications so far, indicating the need for more Republicans to apply in order for the Commission to be a more representative panel.

Redistricting is a highly salient political activity that significantly impacts all voters. Proposition 11 was passed in 2008, allowing the Citizens Redistricting Commission to draw electoral boundaries for the State Senate and Assembly. Two years later, voters approved Proposition 20 to extend that authority to congressional districts.

The State Auditor’s website states, “Every ten years, after the federal census, California must re-establish the boundaries of it’s Congressional, State Senate, State Assembly, and State Board of Equalization districts to reflect new population data and shifting populations. The Voters FIRST Act gave this power to California citizens ensuring that new and fair political boundaries are drawn without special interests, politics and political influence.”

To combat gerrymandering and have unbiased district boundary lines, State Auditor Elaine Howes says the voter-created commission will draw 120 districts for the Legislature, 53 districts for California’s Congressional delegation, and the four districts of the state Board of Equalization. With only 6,000 of the roughly 7,100 applicants being eligible and the last day to apply being August 9, it is more important than ever to send in an application.

“This a chance for the voters to pick their politicians instead of politicians picking their voters,” said Jordan Gascon the Executive Director for the Republican Party of San Diego County.

California citizens who are eligible may submit an online application to the California State Auditor’s Office during the initial 60-day application period from June 10, 2019, to August 9, 2019.”


Photo by Andrew Cruz