President Trump Outraises Democrats in California

In a surprising turn of events, President Trump raised more money in the Democratic stronghold of California than all but two of the Democratic presidential candidates. This should be a major cause for concern at the DNC because it shows that not even California is safe from Trump’s influence.

Trump’s itemized small-donor funds (donations of $100 or less) topped every Democrat, including the supposed great ally of the working class, Sen. Bernie Sanders. In total, only California Sen. Kamala Harris and South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg we not outraised by President Trump.

Despite the far left influence in California, Trump managed to raise more in the state than the Democratic frontrunner, former Vice President Joe Biden. This is a clear sign that a large segment of disaffected Republicans is present in California. It shows that although California is a deep blue state, there is still a major Republican presence—along with those who are just fed up with Democratic policies and governance. 

A precedent has been set for this kind of occurrence, but this is still a massive problem for the Democrats. This is not because Trump is ahead in California fundraising, instead, it is because of who he is ahead of. Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren, widely thought to be the three most viable Democratic candidates, are all behind Trump.


Photo by The White House