Freedom Revival In Downtown San Diego Attracts Thousands to Protest Lockdowns and Mandates

Over 1,000 people attended “Freedom Revival 2022” in Downtown San Diego at the Waterfront Park. Freedom Revival was an event to protest mandates such as the mask and vaccine mandate, along with lockdown policies. Organizers and community leaders said the event was to promote “courage and faith over fear”. 

The event attracted people from all around San Diego and Southern California. Many of the speakers came from all areas of Southern California. The event was headlined by a number of religious leaders and political activists such as fromer California gubernatorial candidate Anthony Trimino and PragerU’s Will Witt. During the event, attendees marched around the San Diego County Administration building to show their frustrations at government mandates. “There are a lot of people who understand what’s going on, I think a lot of other people are just directly affected by it so they’re worried about losing their job” said attendee Joanne Mickelson. “Everyone’s waking up,” said fellow attendee Jim Mickelson, “This has gone too far and we want to change course.” Surprisingly, there were no counter protests at Freedom Revival.

It is great to see many Californians standing up and showing their frustration at local and state politicians who have pushed mandates down on citizens. Hopefully, the amount of people at Freedom Revival will show politicians that people do not like their policies. 

Photo Cred: Freedom Revival