SDSU President Criticizes Dean That Called Conservative Agenda “Racist”

Written by Sasha Reva

This week on Twitter, San Diego State University President Adela de la Torre criticized one of her deans for controversial remarks she made about conservatives.

Monica Casper, dean of the College of Arts and Letters, who said on her Twitter account, “Just so we’re clear on the Right’s agenda: racism good, abortion bad, money good, women bad, capitalism good, sustainability bad, stupidity good, science bad, power good, equality bad, white people good, nonwhite people bad. Stench, indeed.”

Before that, in November, Casper spoke on Twitter about Kyle Rittenhouse’s acquittal in the fatal shooting, which she believes was an act of White supremacy. As of now, her Twitter account no longer exists. “As we closed out 2021, a difficult year for many people, we know there are those who are hurt and unhappy about Twitter posts by SDSU Dean Monica Casper,” de la Torre said. Casper has a history of radical leftism. Over a decade ago, Casper co-founded a far-left website called “The Feminist Wire” . According to the website, its mission, “is to provide socio-political and cultural critique of anti-feminist, racist, and imperialist politics pervasive in all forms and spaces of private and public lives of individuals globally.”

“I will always stand by the right to free speech, but I do not condone or agree with what she said. I do not support actions that seek to divide us or undermine civic discourse for any reason.” De la Torre continued, “At SDSU, we welcome everyone. We benefit from learning from one another when we participate in civic engagement across the spectrum of social and political discourse, even when we disagree with one another. This is what makes our university great.” 

SDSU has been involved in a few free speech cases in recent years. Lecturer Robert Jordan was criticized for using a cultural stereotype during a class on cinema. Jordan said he used the stereotype to highlight a historical point, and he is still employed by SDSU after the incident.

Photo Cred: KPBS