Lorena Gonzalez Resigns from State Legislature Amid Ethics Complaint Over New Job

Written by Bobbie Wylie

On Monday, Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez announced she will step down Wednesday to prepare to lead the California Labor Federation beginning in July. 

Carl DeMaio, chairman of Reform California, calls Gonzalez’s resignation “Sacramento’s worst-kept secret.” In an interview with KUSI, DeMaio said, “For months Lorena Gonzalez has been maneuvering to force out the current head of the California Labor Federation, and she was successful at that.” Politico first broke the news of Gonzalez’s new job back in November 2021. 

Reform California has filed an ethics complaint with the California Fair Political Practices Commission demanding an investigation into Gonzalez and her employment negotiations with the California Labor Federation. “California’s Political Reform Act clearly states that if a legislator is in the process of “negotiating” employment with a potential employer, they cannot work on any issue that would benefit that employer,” said DeMaio. As chair of the Assembly Appropriations Committee, every bill had to be approved by Gonzalez for it to reach the assembly floor. Over the course of their “negotiations,” the Labor Federation has had a number of high-priority bills that Gonzalez pushed through her committee to the assembly floor and ultimately helped pass. Gonzalez’s AB 5 has been blamed for the economic problems that California is currently experiencing. The bill received criticism from business leaders like Elon Musk. When faced with the criticism, Gonzalez lashed out at her critics, notably tweeting, “F*** Elon Musk”. 

Lorena Gonzalez’s resignation has been expected, after she was bypassed for Secretary of State, when Governor Newsom appointed Shirley Weber to the position in late 2020. This, along with newly redistricted maps, meant that Gonzalez would have to move districts or run against Weber’s daughter, Akilah Weber – another sitting assembly member – for her final two year term before terming out of the legislature in 2024. 

DeMaio says California’s “one-sided media” is to blame for giving Gonzalez so much praise for her move to the CA Labor Federation, without any desire to examine the corrupt nature of the negotiations. The truth is clear, Lorena Gonzalez should have been focused on her constituents in the 80th district, rather than favoring her future employer.

Photo Cred: Nicholas McVicker/ KPBS