Breaking News: California Announces Another Indoor Mask Mandate

Today, the state of California announced an indoor mask mandate for everyone in California regardless of vaccination status. The mandate will begin in two days on Wednesday the 15th. Newsom had been warning about a COVID winter surge, even before the Omicron variant was around. 

California Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly an updated policy. Ghaly cited an increase in COVID cases over the last three weeks, which has risen by 47% over the last three weeks.  Ghaly also pointed to an increase in cases in some of Northern California along with Riverside, San Bernandino, and Inyo Counties. The mask mandate will start on the 15th and last until January 15th of 2022.  In a press conference Ghaly said, “ We will require universal masking in indoor settings statewide”.

Along with the mask mandate, more requirements are also being put into place for people to attend events greater than 1,000 people like concerts and sporting events. Those who are unvaccinated will have to bring proof of a negative COVID test 48 hours before the start of the event. Ghaly said that while people want to get back to normal, the government is implementing this to not ruin holiday plans, “ We know people are tired and hungry for normalcy. Frankly, I am too. That said, this is a critical time where we have a tool that we know has worked. We are proactively putting this tool of universal indoor masking in public settings in place to ensure we get through a time of joy and hope without a darker cloud of concern and despair.” They are also recommending that those who travel outside of California be tested for COVID, however this is not a requirement. 

This is another step backwards in California’s fight against COVID. Instead of re-opening the state, Newsom and the government of California are implementing a policy that only sets the state backwards.