Maryland Governor Urges Biden to Sue State For Gerrymandered Maps

The Governor of Maryland, Larry Hogan, has called for a lawsuit against his own state. The Democrats currently hold a supermajority in the state of Maryland and are being accused by the governor of violating voting rights under its newly drawn districts, specifically the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Hogan vetoed the new map but it is likely to be overridden and move on anyways due to the democrat majority. To combat this political move, Hogan has called on the U.S. Department of Justice. The Department of Justice, under the leadership of Attorney General Merrick Garland, recently announced a lawsuit targeting Texas under it’s new redistricting plan while seeming to ignore others. Ted Cruz called the DOJ as operating “as a partisan arm to target red states rather than an impartial law enforcement agency.” Cruz may be right if Hogan is to be believed when he said that Maryland’s congressional map is “more egregious”  than that of Texas’. Hogan hopes to add the case to the DOJ’s lawsuit saying that, “The congressional map drawn in back rooms by party bosses in Annapolis makes a mockery of our democracy , and it is an embarrassment to all that our state stands for.”

The DOJ is under criticism for ignoring injustices in other states and singling out and targeting red states with the intention “to turn them into Democratic states,” by whatever way possible. The Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton remarked that, “They’re all about allowing things and promoting things that hurt Republican states.” Whether or not the DOJ will add the case is yet to be seen as they have not yet made any comments on the matter.

Photo Cred: AP Photo/Brian Witte