Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez Reveals Her Contempt for Concerned Californians

The trend of political tyranny seems to have appeared in the California State Assembly. Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez displayed despotic and ungracious behavior in the California State Assembly hearing concerning SB 276.

SB 276 is an immunization bill that would force the State Department of Public Health to create an electronic, standardized, statewide medical exemption request for doctors to utilize through the California Immunization Registry. Beginning January 1, 2021, the new request would be the only exemption a governing authority would allow. Essentially, the bill plans to tighten medical exemptions in order to prevent false and/or improper ones.

One can adamantly support vaccine usage and even the bill itself, but think the way Gonzalez handled the hearing was despicable. In front of the public, she humiliated and insulted people who were invited to voice their concerns. Specifically, when public comments were made she used legislative rules as justification for shutting down concerned individuals, indicating severe condescension and arrogance.

It begs the question of why Assemblywoman Gonzalez would allow public input on the bill if she was only going to shut it down? Was it so she could advance her tyrannical motives? After this most recent display of conduct, the answer to the latter question appears to be yes.

However, her position does not grant the authority of an all-powerful dictator. As an assemblywoman of San Diego, she is responsible for being a “servant of the people.” It is her duty to forward the interests and desires of San Diegans. Her authoritarian motives show her personal desire to undermine institutional structures and procedures. It’s completely appalling to see an assemblywoman publicly humiliate and shame constituents for voicing their opinions on important legislation.

Furthermore, her husband, San Diego County Supervisor, Nathan Fletcher has recently become involved. Fletcher flipped from the Republican Party to Democratic Party when it became politically convenient. Along with his wife, it is clear that he does not care about his constituents. Both of them are more concerned about furthering their agendas instead of listening to their constituents.

The critique of Gonzalez has been publicized due to her feud with actor Rob Schneider. He has been very open about his critiques of Gonzalez for her authoritarianism. In addition, he has also called out Nathan Fletcher for his party switching and support of SB 276. In a thread of tweets by Schneider, he outlined his strong dislike for the corruption and political ploys taking place in the state legislature.

The conduct shown by both Gonzalez and Fletcher is disgusting and unbecoming of public officials. Their disregard for constituents and lack of common courtesy was very revealing in the hearing. Gonzalez should have countered public comments in a much more professional manner instead of using humiliation, intimidation, and fear. As a San Diego citizen, it is unsettling to see an elected assemblywoman handle a public matter with such lack of grace and tactfulness. 


Photo by Fronteras Desk via Flickr