After Miserable Jobs Report, WH Gives An Equally Miserable Response

Written by Amanda Angulo

On Friday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki once again made a fool of herself and the administration after she was confronted with a terrible jobs report, which she describes as “good trends”. 

Economists had been expecting over 550,000 new jobs to be posted in November, but only 210,000 were created. This was a direct reflection of people’s reluctance to return back to work, especially after the government conveniently continued to provide them with stimulus checks and child tax credits. 

During the MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” appearance, she was claiming that the economic issues were obviously the most pressing concerns of the American people. That’s when Mika Brzezinski, the co-host, made a note over how the jobs number for November dropped, “210,000. So if we look at that breaking news right now, that’s a number that feels a little … what? A little off?”

Psaki responded by saying “well, I know this sounds a little archaic, but I can’t comment on them until 9:30, by rules, because I work at the White House.”

“What I will say is people can expect the president to continue to say, today, month to month, is that what we’re seeing are good trends, that we are continuing to put people back to work, that we are continuing to see participation in the workforce, that we are continuing to see the unemployment rate go down, but there’s more we need to do to address core problems that have existed long before the pandemic,” she continued. 

Since the host was unable to get a straight and honest response from Psaki, she turns to Democratic strategist Adrienne Elrod, another loon, and asks what Democrats can do to “own” the economy. 

Elrod responded by stating that she was frustrated because the economy is “doing so well”, but leaves the Democrats to play defense, despite the country still fighting inflation and continuing to go through supply chain problems.

Photo Cred: Alex Wong/ Getty Images