Chris Cuomo Went Out Of His Way to Defend Embattled Brother Andrew

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

Remember when Andrew Cuomo resigned as New York governor because of sexual misconduct? Despite the small victory for the women he assaulted, it turns out there’s more to the story. His baby brother Chris Cuomo got involved in a cover-up with his top aide Melissa DeRosa.

During New York Attorney General Letitia James’s investigation into Cuomo, she uncovered numerous text messages between baby Cuomo and DeRosa advising the governor to proceed with mounting allegations. However, she insisted that Andrew Cuomo not resign his gubernatorial seat despite growing backlash from New York voters and Democratic leadership on Capitol Hill.

Cuomo also contacted an unnamed journalist asking if Ronan Farrow was planning a hit piece against his older brother, similar to Farrow’s story on Harvey Weinstein that forced him out of Hollywood’s good grace. And through it all, baby Cuomo guided his brother through the media firestorm until he told him to pull the plug and leave office.

CNN weighed in on Cuomo’s cover-up and put out a statement saying, “The thousands of pages of additional transcripts and exhibits that were released today by the NY Attorney General deserve a thorough review and consideration. We will be having conversations and seeking additional clarity about their significance as they relate to CNN over the next several days.” One employee called Cuomo out and said his actions are a “disgrace to journalism,” while working for the most dishonest media source aside from Pravda.

The most bizarre part of this story was Alec Baldwin’s defense of Andrew Cuomo, calling it a form of cancel culture against the former governor. First of all, I wouldn’t talk, considering the hot water Baldwin’s in right now. Second, this highlights the major problem with the Left: they only believe in cancel culture when their members are on the chopping block, yet they can’t see the hypocrisy of silencing political opposition for voicing their opinions.

Photo Cred: Jason DeCrow/Invision for HELP USA/AP Images