California Vaccine Mandates Start to Go Into Effect Around the State

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

With the spread of the new omicron variant of COVID, many people worry if this will lead to a new wave of fatal infections and lockdowns. But for the Democrats, all they see is another opportunity to extend the pandemic and blame it on the “Qanon anti-vaxxers,” which means anyone who disagrees with them. President Houseplant and the dictator-in-chief of California are pushing local governments to force vaccines onto their residents despite opposition.

For example, the San Diego Unified School District requires students over 16 years to get both doses of the “Fauci Ouchi” or continue with distance learning at home. That was the case until the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily struck down the mandate for violating students’ religious beliefs. While this may seem like a victory against the woke mob, there are other cases where people haven’t been so lucky.

San Diego City Council passed a mandate insisting that all city employees get the jab or apply for an exemption despite police unions with 37% of unvaccinated members. “I think it’s obvious that any loss of our valuable employees will negatively affect our staffing levels and in turn affect our ability to meet the community’s expectations to serve them effectively and efficiently,” Deputy Police Chief Paul Connelly commented.

As bad as that sounds, the Los Angeles Police Department has fired five officers and one other city employee for defying the unconstitutional vaccine orders. If other officers refuse the order by December 18, then others could also see termination. Unfortunately, Sacramento isn’t faring any better as students have to show proof of vaccination by January 30. If not, they must switch to online learning. Some parents are so fed up with the mandates that some parents are pulling their kids out of school and putting them into “learning centers”, centers that are not recognized as schools by the state so they can circumvent the vaccine mandate.

All this wokeness and top-down policy decisions are why Democrats nationwide will lose control of Congress and state and local offices because, for most people, the pandemic is over. Therefore, Democrats’ only hopes are to prolong the pandemic and use fear tactics to hold onto their fragile majority.