Illinois Democrat Resigns After Horrific Tweets Following Waukesha Tragedy

Written by William Hale

A social media director for the Democratic Party of DuPage County (IL) has recently resigned following backlash for disgusting comments made on her personal social media accounts. Mary Lemanski published a series of tweets intended to mock the victims of the still developing Waukesha tragedy where an SUV trampled over 40 people at high speeds during a holiday parade. 

As of November 22nd five people have died and 48 have been injured from the tragedy including six children in critical condition, dozens more are hospitalized. The suspect in custody appears to be a Milwaukee man named Darrell Brooks — a man with criminal history dating back to 1999. 

In response to this deadly event, Lemanski insinuated that Waukesha residents somehow deserved what happened after Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted on all charges. “The blood of Kyle Rittenhouse’s victims is on the hands of Wisconsin citizens, even the children” wrote Lemanski, “You reap what you sow, Wisconsin.” Lemanski has a history of bad statements. On November 15th,she claimed that a “white wing group” who she also labeled as “fascists” was attempting to stop her from speaking at a school board meeting. 

These comments by Lemanski are indefensible, and the social media director’s justifying logic for her horrid tweets simply don’t make any sense. “It was probably just self-defense,” Lemanski wrote in another tweet. Some reports have claimed that the massacre perpetrated by Brooks was followed by him fleeing from another crime scene, and while the legitimacy of this detail is still in question, nothing could ever serve as rationalization for Brooks’s decision to plow through children in a parade. 

Lemanski is self-described on the DuPage County Democratic Party website as a “Difference Maker,” but the social media director is rightfully no longer associated with the DuPage party after her insensitivity surrounding the scene in Waukesha. The DuPage Democrats social media posted a statement condemning the criminal and heinous act in Waukesha and also reposted Lemanski’s resignation statement, however they can no longer be found as Lemanski removed her twitter account. 

Photo Cred: Screenshot of Lemanski Twitter