Cuomo Found Guilty with ‘Overwhelming Evidence’ of Sexual Harassment Charges

Written by Andrew Morris

The New York state Assembly Judiciary Committee stated Monday morning it has ‘overwhelming evidence’ of former state governor Andrew Cuomo’s misconduct with several women while he was in office.

Though he denied the allegations when they first arose over a year ago, Cuomo resigned last August to dispel further publicity.

In light of this eight-month impeachment trial’s conclusion, Cuomo is set to be held on multiple charges of misconduct which will, at the very least, end his political career.

Moreover, new reports have surfaced of misconduct in the workplace, as several investigations have discovered administrative negligence in the unreported number of nursing home Covid-19 deaths as a direct result of Cuomo’s actions. The report said, ” We have reviewed the former governor’s challenges to the allegations, and nothing in his voluminous submissions can overcome the overwhelming evidence of his misconduct”. 

Not only is Cuomo being investigated for sexual assault and misconduct, he is also being investigated for his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York. Investigators stated Cuomo “was not fully transparent” in the reports released late last year and early this year, severely underreporting the case rates from his blunder to the American public. He even went as far as to deliberately leave out these out-of-facility deaths in an official Department of Health report.

On top of all this, his constituents are testifying to his inappropriate allocation of staff member’s time in helping write Cuomo’s narcissistic book, “American Crisis: Leadership Lessons from the COVID-19 Pandemic” in which Cuomo praises his treatment of the crisis, and its reference to his administration as the effective way to quell the Pandemic.

The report found that even a senior official complained in a text message that work on the book was compromising his ability to deal with COVID procedures. The former governor “utilized state resources and property, including work by Executive Chamber staff, to write, publish, and promote his book regarding his handling of the COVID-19 crisis – a project for which he was guaranteed at least $5.2 million in personal profit,” it stated.

With the substantial amount of evidence against him, Cuomo is likely to never return to politics in a significant manner again, ridding New York of a rotten politician with rotten character.

Photo Cred: Jacquelyn Martin/ AP