Local Radio Show Criticized For ‘Racial Insensitive’ Segment

A San Diego radio show is under fire after doing a segment on KUSI’s “Good Morning San Diego”. The segment, done by “The DSC Show” which airs on 101.5 FM was criticized as being racist. After the segment aired and the criticism came, KUSI said that they will no longer provide a platform for “The DSC Show”. 

The segment that was aired on Monday was called “Famous Baby Daddies”. It centered around two named and pictured celebrities and the hosts had to guess which of the two had the most children with the most partners. Of the 18 celebrity fathers that were named, nine of them were black. The segment drew criticism from the San Diego NAACP who said that black celebrity fathers were overrepresented in the segment and said that the segment is evidence that racism still exist in America, “By focusing on African-American men, this content was obviously intended to denigrate them, and feed into the lie that Black men are somehow more sexual than their White counterparts.” said San Diego NAACP President Francine Maxwell. Maxwell continued and said that this racial stereotype is responsible for the deaths of black men, “ This trope continued in the Jim Crow era, when Black men were regularly lynched on the excuse of sexual advances toward White women, often invented or imagined.” 

News Director for KUSI TV Steve Cohen said that the network has asked “The DSC Show” to apologize for the segment, “ KUSI believes that it is our goal to always present content that does not demean or appear insensitive to any minority, racial or ethnic group. This past Monday, a feature segment aired that did not meet that standard. The segment created by the 101.5 KGB radio program, The DSC Show, was inappropriate and an affront to our African/ American community and our viewers.”  According to KUSI they reached out to 101.5 KGB for an apology but they declined. 

I do not think that 101.5 KGB had any intention of the segment being racist. But as many people know, race will be injected into any facet of life by those who seek to push an agenda. 

Photo Cred: Kristian Carreon/ San Diego Union-Tribune