Paso Robles Teacher Under Fire For Telling Conservative Students to ‘Jump Off a Bridge’

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

This past Veterans Day, the Paso Robles High School held an event to celebrate the brave veterans who honorably served our country in times of war and peace. Students showed up with their American and military flags to show their support, but one student brought a different kind of banner that read “F**k Joe Biden.”

The student in question probably shouldn’t have brought that flag to a Veterans Day event as the holiday is nonpartisan (maybe a “Let’s Go Brandon” flag was more appropriate), but the response from the Left is always overdone. Bauer Speck Elementary School teacher Kristen Usilton, who attended the event, said a few words about this incident.

“The Paso Robles Conservative club for the high school, you can go jump off a bridge,” she said via Instagram. Her post and her Instagram have since been deleted but one user was able to save the video and post is to Twitter.  Her response led to two district investigations, one against her for overreacting and another against the conservative student exercising his freedom of speech. So naturally, Usilton took to Twitter to issue an apology, sort of.

“When I said ‘go jump off a bridge,’ I just meant go away, and I will not use that term again because of the incredible influx of messages I got about that. But if that’s what you focused on in that message, you’re kind of part of the problem.” Do you mean focusing on threats you made against minors makes us problematic? What should we focus on a silly high school prank if that’s the case? Paso Robles Joint Unified School District Superintendent Curt Dubost put out a statement, ”  “Last Wednesday, a student effort to honor Veterans Day was disrupted by a very poor choice to include a profane flag. This both detracted from the intended purpose of the demonstration and led to considerable disruption, including some postings and exchanges on social media that were completely inappropriate.” Dubost also said in regards to Usilton, “Later that day, a District employee posted comments on social media regarding this event which were inappropriate, and the District is responding accordingly through the Human Resource office. The District will make it clear to all employees that as an employee of PRJUSD, social media is not the appropriate venue for criticism of our students and families and that we must conduct ourselves in a professional manner.”

Usilton’s fiance, Eusebio Martinez Jr., also chimed in, claiming that this news story is “ruining her good name.” No, Kristen Usilton ruined her name when she told a group of children to jump off a bridge simply for their beliefs. Both are trying to have Usilton’s story removed from the Paso Robles Press, but the publication has not taken it down.

Photo Cred: iStock