White House Sticks With Nominee Saule Omarova, Who Was Arrested in 1995 for Retail Theft

Written by Vincent Cain

President Biden’s nominee to Comptroller of the Currency was arrested in 1995 for “retail theft.”

According to a background check, Omarova was arrested in Madison, Wisconsin, on June 2, 1995, and was charged with a misdemeanor. The background check also notes that  Omarova had a delayed prosecution in January 1996 for the charge, which was later dropped through Wisconsin’s first offender program. 

“To be clear, Saule has been fully transparent about this incident her entire career, including to the Senate, in applications, and when she worked at the Treasury Department during the Bush Administration,” a spokesperson for the White House said. “This case was ultimately dismissed in January 1996 – more than 25 years ago – and was the result of a misunderstanding and confusing situation.” The same spokesperson then claimed that this part of a giant conspiracy to discredit Omarova, ” It’s sad that a far-right partisan group with a pattern of engaging in tawdry behavior would partner with Fox News to smear the name of a qualified nominee seeking to serve her country”.  

A Senate staffer informed on the matter verified that the charge was disclosed to the Senate Banking Committee. Her hearing before the committee is scheduled for this Thursday. 

Republicans in the Senate Banking Committee are pushing back forcefully against Biden’s latest controversial nominee, focusing on Omarova’s history writing about Marxism along with her comments about the energy sector and climate change. 

Sen. Bill Hagerty, R-Tenn., a member of the Senate Banking Committee, stated that he has “many concerns” about Omarova’s nomination.

Hagerty said, “President Biden’s choice for banking regulator is a Marxist academic who wants to destroy the American banking and energy sectors and implement socialism in the United States, proving once again that this White House is beholden to the radical left elements of the Democrat party.”

In addition to writing about Marxism, she has also said that the banking industry she would regulate in her new job is the “quintessential a—— industry,” and called for an end to banking “as we know it,” by “the complete migration of demand deposit accounts to the Federal Reserve.”  

Photo Cred: Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs