Arizona School Board Member Under Criticism For Keeping Personal Information of Concerned Parents

Written by William Hekman

An Arizona School Board member from the Scottsdale Unified School District is under heavy fire after it was discovered that he kept the personal information of concerned parents. The revelation has led to more than six hundred parents demanding his resignation. 

While there is currently some debate as to whether it was the school board member or his father, it was discovered that one of them kept a dossier on 47 parents who consistently spoke out at school board meetings. They kept tabs on these parents’ social security numbers, divorce proceedings, social media posts, and mortgage documents along with a number of sensitive and private information. Parents were rightfully outraged. Amy Carney, a parent and candidate for Scottsdale Unified School District board said, “ I’d call this retaliation. The list of parents targeted in the drive appears to be anyone who has spoken out about anything against our district publicly or online.” Carney says that over 650 people have signed a petition demanding the resignation of the board’s president Jann-Michael Greenburg. 

The dossier was first revealed by the Scottsdale Independent, when it was revealed that Greenberg kept the information on a Google drive in an email. The owner of the Google Drive is Mark Greenber, Jann-Michael’s father. Also tied to the drive was an unnamed woman and fellow board member Zachary Lindsay. Jann-Michael Greenberg said, “ “I categorically deny having anything to do with any of this”. However, a video revealed that Greenberg said, “ I really want Edmond to die. I’ll be so happy, I’ll have a f—ing party” referring to a parent that Greenberg sued for defamation. Arizona State Representative Jason Chaplik is also calling for Greenberg’s resignation, “As a Scottsdale parent and member of the community I am calling for the resignation of Jann-Michael Greenburg. The evidence of his cyber-stalking and spreading of an enemies list should be the last straw for his fellow board members and I expect them to join me in this call.”

Chaplik is correct, this should be the final straw for Greenberg, who apparently has a history of making backhanded comments to parents who speak out. Compiling a list of parent’s private information is criminal and a massive violation of trust between and elected official and the public.

Photo Cred: Ryan Cody/ 12 News