First Drafts For New California Congressional Districts Put Out

Written by T. Logan Dayne

The California 2020 census dealt a historic blow to the state. For the first time since the state entered the Union, California has lost a congressional seat. This will take California from 53 seats to 52. As a result, California will now be down one house seat, one district, and one electoral vote as its population growth stagnates. Despite this there is good news for the citizens of San Diego. In spite of the growth decay of other parts of the state, counties in San Diego actually showed an increase of about 6% according to census data. With this San Diego will maintain it’s five congressional seats, although not without some redistricting.

With a loss of one congressional district, new district maps are being drafted and proposed at the time of this writing. The new draft indicates that three districts are planned on being entirely within San Diego county with two others mostly in but including parts of Riverside and Orange county. The only major subtraction from the current lines is that of the 51st district currently held by Democrat Juan Vargas. Vargas’ district will be losing the entirety of Imperial County.

The 2020 California Citizens Redistricting Commission are reported as being ahead of schedule for the drafts of the new districts. San Diegans can see the proposals online and see where they lie within these new proposals. It is unsure how these new proposals will impact incumbent representatives but Commission Chair Trena Turner would “strongly encourage Californians to continue weighing in until we get it right,” giving citizens a chance to voice their opinions. Final drafts are set to be certified by December 27 before the next year’s elections.