Biden, Harris, and Democrat Leaders Have Horrible Approval Ratings

Written by Sasha Reva

The Democratic party showed everyone how easy it can be to destroy America. It has been a year after the elections and President Biden, Vice President Harris and Congressional Democrats ratings are going down the drain really fast.

A survey conducted by USA Today and Suffolk University showed that Biden is all the way at the bottom in the polls, while Harris is worse.  37.8% approval rating for Biden with a 59% disapproval. Around 46 percent believe that Biden did a worse job and should not consider running for reelection and 64% said that Biden should not run for re-election in 2024. Biden’s approval ratings have not gotten any better since August after the situation in Afghanistan saw his poll numbers go down. Biden has been nonchalant about almost all of the problems going on in the country, such as the crises with the supply chain and the border, which could be one of the reasons people view him so negatively.  

Harris has just a 27.8% approval rating with 51.2% disapproving of her performance in office. Despite being tapped as the “border czar” Harris has been M.I.A for most of her term. When she does make an appearance, she acts rather awkwardly, asking random questions and coming off as insincere. Congressional Democrats are also in trouble. The poll gives Republicans a 46%-to-38% advantage in Congress. Democrats already have a thin majority in the House and the Senate and with the recent Republican victory in Virginia,  Republicans seem more enthusiastic about their chances in 2022. “The American people have made clear one overwhelming thing, I think – and I really mean it – all the talk about the elections and what they mean and everything: They want us to deliver,” Biden said. 

“I think the one message that came across was: Get something done. It’s time to get something done.  Stop – you all stop talking. Get something done,” he added when asked specifically about the Virginia and New Jersey election results. 

Unfortunately, we don’t see any positive things that the Biden’s Administration has done since the 2020 election. Our economy is falling, unemployment rate is growing insane and the Border crisis is still ongoing. Couple that with rising prices for a number of goods such as groceries and food and the debacle that was the withdrawal of Afghanistan, 2022 is shaping up to be a massive lose for the Democrats much like 1994 and 2010. 

Photo Cred: Fox News