Man Who Made Racist and Inflammatory Comments at County Supervisor Meeting Has A History of Fringe Statements

Written by William Hekman

Everyone is in agreement that the comments made at the last County Supervisor meeting were reprehensible and disgusting. The individual, Jason Robo, told Nora Vargas that he “can’t wait for her arteries to clog, they’re not doing it fast enough” and called Wilma Wooten “Aunt Jemima”. This was met with anger from Supervisor Vargas who cursed at him and defended Wooten. After the comments went viral, many people began digging into who this  individual is and why he would make such awful comments.

Jason Robo is apparently a comedian who hosted a radio show in Humboldt County that started at 2 a.m. Since his comments he has been removed by the station KMUD who published a statement, “We would like to be clear that their opinions do not reflect our values. While these statements were made on an outside platform, we have begun the discussion into their future as a volunteer.” Robo was not paid for his show and did it on as a volunteer. Robo is also facing a defamation lawsuit from Gaslamp restaurant Roma Mia. They say that Robo drove into an outdoor dining area and pepper-sprayed the manager on Halloween. Robo claimed he was set to do a comedy routine at the Madhouse Comedy Club but their records show that Robo did not request a slot. Robo has also been arrested three times according to Humboldt County, which include a weapons arrest. 

After Robo’s comments to the board, people from both sides of the political aisle condemned him. Supervisor Jim Desmond tweeted, “ I want to thank @SupNoraVargas for stepping in and handling tonight’s racist incident. The comments made by the one individual were disgusting!” However some are using his comments to lump those who are against lockdowns and vaccine mandates. James Canning, the Public Relations Assistant to Nathan Fletcher said, “ I think @reopensandiego and Rise Up San Diego and @KUSINews , and all those he’s associated with should be ashamed that #JasonRoboRacist reps their cause.” However, Robo is no conservative, but a liberal and rabid conspiracy theorist. Robo’s twitter is filled with tweets that are anti-police and anti-vax along with supporting the 9/11 truth movement. He has also tweeted his admiration for Professor Cornel West, a well-known radical professor. Robo apparently ran for city council in Blue Lake, a small town of about 1,000 in Humboldt County and placed fourth out of four. Kevin Hoover of Mud River Union, who has covered Robo’s antics said, “ He’s not funny — humorless and never acknowledging any fault. Always [blaming] the media.” Robo went to Humboldt State and was a part of the student government before being removed for disrespectful behavior

Robo is clearly unhinged and there is enough evidence to support that. His comments made at the Supervisors meeting and his posts on social media are awful and deserve to be rebuked.