Anti-Abortion Group From Fresno Wins Big Court Case

This past year, the dictator-in-chief Gavin Newsom signed into law SB 742, which creates a 100-ft buffer zone around clinics that provide vaccines against passing out leaflets, holding signs, educating people, or prohibiting entryway into vaccine clinics. However, the law doesn’t only apply to COVID related sites, as Planned Parenthood locations are also immune given their HPV vaccines. Enter Right to Life of Central California, which sued Attorney General Rob Bonta over the law.

The anti-abortion non-profit scored a victory against Newsom when Judge Dale Drozd of the U.S. Eastern District Court of California  found that the law prohibited freedom of speech and assembly by blocking peaceful protestors and placed a temporary restraining order.

As a result, Denise Harle issued a statement expressing her gratitude. “The court rightly acknowledged SB 742’s double standard in restricting pro-life outreach while permitting other types of speech, such as picketing about a labor dispute. We are thankful Right to Life’s staff and volunteers can continue their critical mission of serving vulnerable women in the central California region with their free, life-giving services.”

But the Attorney General shrugged off the ruling when his office released a statement labeling the group as anti-vax conspiracy theorists. “The Attorney General will continue to defend the law and work to ensure that any Californian who would like to be vaccinated is able to obtain their COVID-19 vaccine without intimidation.”

But Right to Life isn’t working against vaccination. They simply wish to talk with people and offer alternative solutions to Planned Parenthood’s services. And considering Planned Parenthood was founded as a eugenics organization by a known racist, every Democrat should oppose Planned Parenthood.

Although California continues to fall to the radical left, there is still hope when judges and other public officials put principle above party affiliation and the Constitution above coalition. If more Democrats understood this, California would still be the shining beacon of America. But, instead, residents leave as taxes increase and the Democrats’ stranglehold over California tightens.

Photo Cred: John Walker/ Fresno Bee