SANDAG is Trying to Push Four-cents-a-mile Tax

Written by Nathaniel Mannor

It’s no secret that the Democratic party wants to take your rights away. We saw that during the pandemic with Democrats replacing our right to vote in person with widespread mail-in ballots, forced mask and vaccine mandates, and indoctrinating kids with values anathema to their parents. Now, with people fleeing California in record numbers, the Left needs a new way to grow their vision for big government.

On Friday, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors will hold a meeting regarding the proposed four-cent-per-mile tax from SANDAG. The plan is that San Diego County charges two cents for every mile one drives along San Diego streets and is matched by California state authorities, totaling four cents per mile. SANDAG introduced this measure to help raise $160 billion by 2050 for various projects, including $34 billion for free public transit throughout San Diego County.

But how popular is this proposal? Shyronda Wilson-Edwards voiced her opposition to the tax, saying that “we can barely put gas in our car!” Another local, Estevan Fausto, aired his frustrations at this barbaric move from Democrats. “In San Diego, we already pay a lot to live here, so four cents a mile is kind of ridiculous. It doesn’t sound like a lot at first, but for the people who drive a lot, those are the people who would be affected the most.” County Supervisor Jim Desmond has been leading the charge on opposing this tax, “This is a ridiculous plan that punishes the majority of San Diegans. SANDAG has not fulfilled their promised projects and now is out of money. Their plan, tax us and force us out of our cars.” Desmond also shared on his social media a list of other taxes SANDAG is considering such as a sales tax measure, a local road user charge, and a ridehailing user fee.

Some drivers seemed to favor SANDAG’s plan but phrased it a bit differently. “There are a lot of people who have trouble getting to and from places, going to the grocery store, picking up their kids from school, whatever the case may be. That part I really wouldn’t mind.” Did you catch that? This unnamed driver didn’t mention the tax element because it’s inconvenient to her notion of how the government works.

What she fails to realize is that when the government labels something “free,” they mean “government funded,” and of course, they are talking about “taxpayer funded.” So basically, we’re still paying for this “free” transit through our tax dollars.

There is an even more insidious reason for SANDAG’s motives. As the pandemic ended, people went back to their ordinary lives. They broke away from government “security,” so naturally, the government needs to keep people trapped in their homes and dependent on Big Brother. So what better way than charging us to leave our dwellings?

Photo Cred: SANDAG