Progressive TV personality Recklessly Accuses Condoleezza Rice of White Supremacy

Written by William Hale

America’s racial consciousness has only accelerated thanks to the left.

Touré Neblett, a journalist and former MSNBC host made a reckless accusation against Condoleezza Rice on Friday. In response to Rice’s criticism of Critical Race Theory (CRT), the progressive TV personality wrote that Rice was a “soldier for white supremacy.”

Of course, Rice (the first Black woman to serve as Secretary of State) being a proponent for white supremacy would not be in her own interest. It feels ridiculous to even point that out, but the left is insistent on carelessly throwing around these racist accusations. “White Supremacists” “White Privilege” or “White Nationalist” — all incredibly bold and offensive labels that often leave middle class whites confused or angry. Furthermore, Americans of any racial background who oppose the CRT indoctrination have no choice but to submit to the radical concept or deal with inaccurate and demoralizing labels such as “White Supremacist,” Condi Rice is the latest example. 

Neblett rationalized his attack on Rice by saying that “Condoleezza Rice’s recent appearance on The View was offensive and disgusting for many reasons but she was who we thought she was: a soldier for white supremacy. Her thoughts on Critical Race Theory are completely white centric, as in, they revolve around the thoughts and needs of white people…”. If anyone in America understands the dangers of white supremacy it is Condoleezza Rice. Rice grew up in Birmingham, Alabama and witnessed racial segregation and racial attacks as a child. 

If you are perplexed with the leftist jargon, just understand that Neblett is not a proponent of a functioning melting pot. Touré wants a permanent focus on race within our institutions and culture. Neblett is unlike ordinary people who largely disregard the significance of individual ethnicity. 

“…somehow White people now have to feel guilty for everything that happened in the past –  “I don’t think that’s very productive…” Well said, Condi.

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